Accessible playground equipment and accessible playgrounds in general have become increasingly popular worldwide. They offer a broad range of health benefits, not only for active children, but for the entire community. By definition, accessible playgrounds also include musical instruments for the public space that are positioned as a separate music park or as part of the larger playground.
Accessible playgrounds provide people of all age groups, fitness levels, and abilities a place to exercise or just enjoy. Accessible music parks also enable everyone and of any level of musical knowledge to simply come, play, and enjoy.
It is now clear that playgrounds are inadequate if they aren’t accessible to members of the community that they are meant to serve.
Here are some points, from a health care perspective, that illustrate the importance of making playgrounds accessible to all.
The Importance Of Accessible Facilities
Space For Populations With Disabilities
It is estimated that 1 in 5 American live with a disability (according to the US Census Bureau). Depending on the type of disability and its severity, this can greatly affect quality of life, including access to playgrounds. Many families have difficulty finding accessible and inclusive playgrounds for those with special needs. This is especially important for parents and caregivers. Accessible playgrounds enable children and adults with or without disabilities to communicate and use a wide range of equipment rather than being relegated to watch from the sidelines.
It Strengthens Childhood Development
As adults, we tend to ignore the importance of play, but studies show that active outdoor play is extremely important for childhood development. It enables children to hone their social skills, encourages problem solving, and teaches them about conflict resolution, compromise and self-control. In addition to promoting the healthy development of social and communicative skills, access to playgrounds also stimulates physical development, strengthening balance and coordination and increasing muscle strength. It also increases the likelihood that your children will follow a healthy fitness routine as adults. And in music parks there are many other benefits that come from listening to or creating music.
It Improves Mental Health
More pastime spent in playgrounds and musical parks, as well as listening and playing music in open areas, can significantly lower the stress levels common in modern-day life, and help deal with common mental states such as chronic stress disorder and depression.
It Improves The Health And Well-being Of The Community
In addition to providing health benefits to individuals and specific groups, accessible playgrounds can improve the health and well-being of the entire community.
Creating and promoting public places for musical or physical activity significantly increases residents’ participation in fitness and social activities. Beyond musical development and sports and fitness programs, accessible facilities can also host local cultural events and activities, and serve as a focal point for community life. Unsurprisingly, communities that have better access to playgrounds and parks tend to have lower crime rates and juvenile delinquency.
If you also believe that accessibility and inclusivity for all are important and you want to design an accessible musical park, we invite you to reach out to us to assist you create an innovative, magical, musical environment.
You can contact us at Psagot Musical via our website, by email export@m-ps.co.il, or by phone: +972-2-633-5469.
This post was based on an article by Shaun Dmello: https://playgroundprofessionals.com/playground/inclusion/why-it-necessary-make-playgrounds-accessible-all